I’m 21 and I’m a committed trade unionist

A blog from Kendal Bromley-Bewes

Making 2019 the year for young workers

Conference agrees to organise and recruit more workers under 25

Youngsters show racism the red card

Dave Prentis praises the ‘inspirational work’ of school children from across the UK

Conference applauds winners of young members’ organising award

Scottish young members win organising award for work against bullying

Blog: Young members are the present and future of our movement

This weekend, many of UNISON’s young members are coming together to talk about the future of our union, the future of public services and the future of our country.

We must support young people and the services they rely on

Youth workers are tireless in the support they provide to young people, for example helping them find work and getting more education. In the months and years ahead, it’s time we as a country showed the same level of dedication to our young people – and reverse the damaging tide of youth service cuts, before it’s too late.