The Truth About Zane Campaign: Update

In February 2014, Hydrogen Cyanide was carried from a landfill site by floodwaters and found in the home of 7-year-old Zane Gbangbola, who tragically died. The authorities claimed the land was toxic-free and uncontaminated until the BBC exposed the deliberate misleading of the public.

Zane’s Law Campaign

Zane’ family launched the Zane’s Law campaign at COP26. This campaign is designed to protect people from the dangers of loopholes in the Environmental Protection Act 2010 and would ensure that registrations of landfill sites are current and accurate.

House of Lords

On 24 November 2021 Zane’s case was heard in the House of Lords. The debate focused on the inequality of Zane’s inquest and an amendment to the Environment bill.

Watch the Green Party’s speech here.

Zane’s parents say “Our hope is we can get Zane truth and protect others. At COP26 Zane’s Law was launched by the Green Party to protect people from environmental injustices. The UN has new resolutions that recognise the need for environmental justice to protect people from organisations that do wrong as the climate changes. #ZanesLaw”

See updates from #TheTruthAboutZane