Welcome to the August 2023 CODP Newsletter. In this newsletter we have:
- CODP – Future Direction Update
- HCPCP Standards of Proficiency
- NHS England Long Term Workforce Plan
- Allied Health Professionals National Uniform Project
- Enhanced Clinical Practitioner (ECP) apprenticeship
- Health Education England – National Operating Department Practitioner Practice Education Modernisation Project
- AHP Critical Care Capability Framework
- Exploring the Patient’s Perioperative Journey
CODP – Future Direction Update
In November 2022, the College commenced a consultation with the profession regarding its future operation and function. The consultation was completed via an online consultation survey, focus group discussions and focused discussion with attendees at the December Clinical and University Educator (CUE) Forum in London. The Strategy Consultation Outcome Report can be found at: 2023-04-26-CODP-Consultation-feedback-report-final-version-for-publishing.pdf (unison.org.uk)
An Operational Plan is now being developed on how the College will deliver the key objectives of the five year strategy Strategy 2028 (unison.org.uk) Further updates will be provided during the Autumn as we head towards January 2024.
HCPCP Standards of Proficiency
Revised Standards of Proficiency (SoPs) for Operating Department Practitioners and other professions regulated by the HCPC come into force on the 1st September 2023. The key changes follow the five themes of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Further Centralising the Service User; Registrants’ Mental Health; Digital Skills and New Technologies; and Leadership at all Levels of Practice.
Operating Department Practitioners need to review the revised standards and consider how these apply to your individual scope of practice. Access to resources can be found at: The HCPC Resources site.
To first register with the HCPC an applicant must meet all the Standards of Proficiency for their profession. Over time an Operating Department Practitioners practice may become more specialised and it is only necessary to meet the SoPs for your particular scope of practice to re-register.
CODP continues to receive reports of individuals newly registered with the HCPC that do not meet the full SoPs for an Operating Department Practitioners, usually because they are not proficient in all the three key areas of perioperative practice, anaesthesia; surgery; and post anaesthetic recovery.
Where this is encountered, employers and members of the profession must immediately raise this with the HCPC as a Fitness to Practice concern. Further advice can be obtained from the CODP.
NHS England Long Term Workforce Plan
The long awaited NHS England Long Term Workforce Plan was published on 30th June 2023 and can be accessed at: NHS England » NHS Long Term Workforce Plan The Plan assesses that the proportion of Operating Department Practitioners joining the AHP workforce via an apprenticeship route by 2031/32 will be at least 80%. The Plan also identifies that by improving the student and learner experience on pre-registration programmes, there is an aim to reduce attrition on Operating Department Practitioner programmes to 14%.
Whereas other professional groups see a year by year increase in training intakes from 2023 to 2031, for Operating Department Prcatitioners, this at best remains static. The College has contacted NHS England raising our concerns on their modelling and at a very productive meeting with the Plan Project Lead, we provided College data regarding Operating Department Practitioner registrants numbers, potential retirement figures, losses of Operating Department Practitioners to Anaesthesia Associates and also work regarding the Elective Recovery Agenda. It was acknowledged by NHS England that the Operating Department Practitioner training intake numbers will require ‘refreshing’, this will commence in 2024/25.
Allied Health Professions National Uniform Project
Following the consultation launched in January 2023, the results have now been published. The ‘out of theatre’ uniform for Operating Department Practitioners will be dark magenta tunic with sky blue trim together with blue cargo trousers. Full details of the project can be found at: Allied Health Professionals Base Colours Announced for National Healthcare Uniform » NHS Supply Chain
Enhanced Clinical Practitioner (ECP) Apprenticeship
As part of the NHS England commission for the development of nationally recognised AHP profession specific schema and model curricula for enhanced level practice apprenticeships, Coventry University has been awarded the contract to develop the ECP pathway for Operating Department Practitioners.
Health Education England – National Operating Department Practitioner Practice Education Modernisation Project
A national working group has been established to undertake a benchmarking review of practice education. As part of this work, two surveys have been launched, one to be completed by those Universities in England delivering Operating Department Practitioner pre-registration degree programmes, the other survey to be completed by NHS Trusts in England who provide practice based learning placements for Operating Department Practitioner pre-registration degree programmes. Also included within the project is a review of simulation education based learning and technology. Key findings and recommendations will be published in August 2023.
AHP Critical Care Capability Framework
NHS England’s Workforce, Training, and Education Directorate (previously Health Education England) has committed to support the development of the AHP workforce in critical care. NHS Elect, working in partnership with the Intensive Care Society, NHS England, and relevant professional bodies including CODP, has been commissioned to support the co-production of a comprehensive adult critical care AHP capability framework.
This new framework will include five AHP professions (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians, operating department practitioners, and speech and language therapists) across seven levels of practice (supportive, assistive, novice, intermediate, enhanced, advanced and consultant).
Exploring the Patient’s Perioperative Journey
The Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC) is hosting a joint conference with Trainees with an Interest in Perioperative Medicine (TRIPOM) on 29th September 2023 in Liverpool exploring the Patient’s Perioperative Journey. Further details can be found at: TRIPOM 2023: The Patient’s Perioperative Journey | Centre for Perioperative Care (cpoc.org.uk)