The big issues

UNISON has almost half a million members working for the NHS across the UK. Find out more about the big issues affecting their working lives.

Read about our current campaigns and get advice about problems at work..

Hospital parking – a charge too far

UNISON believes that hospital parking should be free for NHS staff across the UK.

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Purple background. One large circle with green outline and one smaller green circle attached to it, top right. Large circle has words 'PUT NHS PAY RIGHT' in it. Smaller circle says 'FOR Us2'

NHS contractor staff

The staff who deliver NHS healthcare are all ‘One Team’ – including outsourced staff employed by private NHS contractors. They deserve a pay rise too.

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close up of a clock face

Flexible working for NHS staff

Requesting flexible working is a new ‘day one’ right for NHS staff working in England and Wales. Find out more about your options and how to make a request.

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JE booklet thumbnail

NHS Job Evaluation

The NHS job evaluation scheme protects equal pay and fair banding in the NHS. But in many employers, the scheme is badly implemented. Use the resources and guides on this page to make sure your members are getting the right pay for the work they do. What is the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme? The NHS […]

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    Nursing pay: splitting up the NHS team

    The government has launched a call for evidence on proposals which would create separate pay arrangements for NHS nurses in England, splitting up the NHS team. Find out what UNISON is doing.

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    two female bank nurses reading notes

    Let’s make bank work better

    Do you work ‘on the bank’ in the NHS? UNISON wants to make work better for you. Sign up to our bank network for the latest news and to get involved in the campaign Across the NHS, hundreds of thousands of NHS staff are employed on zero hours bank contracts, either through their trust’s staff […]

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    Time for Talks – Put NHS Pay Right. Emergency department staff transport a patient

    NHS pay (England)

    A proper pay rise. The right banding. A shorter working week. That’s what UNISON members want and it’s what NHS staff deserve.

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    Disable inequality: challenging disability discrimination in the NHS

    Disable Inequality

    It is time for a serious conversation about the experiences of disabled workers in the NHS. Our ‘Disable Inequality’ campaign is equipping UNISON branches to get active and challenge disability discrimination.

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    Race for Equality

    It’s time for a serious conversation about racism in the NHS. Our Race for Equality campaign is equipping UNISON branches to get active and tackle racism in the workplace.

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