
In your workplace and branch UNISON is committed to ensuring its members are involved in finding solutions to their workplace problems.

This means listening to their views and encouraging them to participate, which is vitally important.

Your young members’ officer is there to work with other branch officers, and to act as an organiser, recruiting and encouraging participation by young workers.

They will also play a big part in setting up activities with the branch on issues relevant to young workers.

At regional level

UNISON is organised in 12 regions.

At regional young members’ meetings you get the chance to meet young members from elsewhere in your region, and to discuss your experiences and ideas.

You also get to plan young member activities and get support from other members in the region.

If you want to find out what your region is doing, get in touch with your regional young members’ contact

At national level

UNISON’s national young members forum is made up of two representatives from each region, plus the young members representative on UNISON’s national executive council (NEC).

The forum looks at issues affecting young members in UNISON, and how to go about improving recruitment and organisation of young members.

It makes sure young members concerns are raised at the highest level, and in all parts of the union.

The young members rep on the NEC is elected every two years and has full participation rights at meetings of the NEC.

Young members are also represented on UNISON’s delegations to the TUC and Labour Party conferences.