Younger workers are more likely to experience low pay, precarious work and limited training. But UNISON’s young members are fighting to make work better, by asking employers to sign their Respect Your Youth Charter.
What matters to young people at work?
- Pay
- Equality
- Fair, secure contracts
- Development and progression
- Decent apprenticeships
The Charter was created by young people, based on what they face at work.
Around 36% of people working on zero-hour contracts are aged between 16-24. Training and development opportunities are limited. The minimum wage is lower for workers aged under 25. And pay for apprentices, is even lower. It’s no wonder young people are demanding more respect.
Get involved
Employers who sign the charter will demonstrate they value younger staff and are committed to providing high quality jobs, with development opportunities.
Ask your employer to sign the Charter. Speaking to them about your experience could help them to recognise the issues you face and commit to improve the situation. It is a great way for them to show that they care, so you can sell it as a win-win.
Tell your friends at work. Ask them if they agree with you. And if they’re not a member, ask them to join. It’s also a good way to demonstrate the tangible improvements trade unions can make to their lives.
Order leaflets to promote the Charter
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