Key issues

UNISON women campaign in a self-organised group for equality in the workplace and for improvements to women’s rights in the workplace and in the wider community.

This section is about the key issues affecting women members. Each key issue explains the facts behind the issue, what UNISON is doing and how you can get involved. You will also find news articles, useful resources and events.

Find out more about speaking up on women’s issues

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment isn’t just a problem for celebrities. It’s happening in ordinary workplaces everywhere. It affects us too.

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Gender pay gap

In the UK, on average, men earn 18% more than women. This is our gender pay gap. Find out how it happens and what UNISON is doing to bridge it.

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Menopause is a workplace issue – 45% of women say symptoms have a negative impact on their work. Find out what UNISON is doing to make things better.

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Pregnant workers and COVID-19

NHS advice is that pregnant women are at higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus. Your employer must consider this additional risk to you and your baby. Your employer should consider allowing you to work from home if adjustments cannot be made in the workplace to remove the risk. There’s an existing legal framework that […]

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UNISON fighting state pension inequality

UNISON campaigns against the unfair treatment of women born in the 1950s through an increase to their state pension age​ without adequate notice.​

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