1. Log into ‘my UNISON’ using your membership number and password. (If you do not know your membership number, call UNISON Direct on 0800 0 857 857)
2. Click on ‘My Details’
3. From the menu on the left hand side, select ‘Personal details’
4. In the ‘About you’ section there is a question that asks ‘Do you identify as disabled?’ If this is blank, or says ‘No’ then click on ‘Edit’
5. On the next screen, scroll down until you get to the ‘Do you identify as disabled?’ question. There is a drop down menu. Select ‘Yes’
6. Scroll down to the ‘UNISON Mail’ section. There is a drop down menu. Select ‘I am happy to receive correspondence from UNISON if appropriate’
7. Scroll down to the ‘Contact Consent’ section. Put a tick in the box beside ‘Email’. And where it says ‘Newsletter’ put and tick in the box that says “Opt In’
8. Finally, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click “Save”
PLEASE NOTE: If you do not identify as disabled then you can still receive our eBulletin by signing up via the online form.