About this job
This role will be to undertake disciplinary investigations, and to develop, co-ordinate and implement UNISON’s disciplinary investigations process, hearings and appeals.
The key objective will be conducting and managing investigations, hearings and appeal panels, and ensuring investigators, panel members and panel secretaries are fully supported.
The post holder will take responsibility for training and supporting staff and lay members in all matters relating to disciplinary investigations, updating and implementing relevant policies and delivering investigations to timescales set by the Head of Member Liaison Unit and Executive Office.
They may represent the union at internal and external hearings including NEC disciplinary panels, SGE appeal hearing, Certification Officer hearings and appeals and at Public bodies such as employment tribunals, police investigations, coroner’s inquests.
Therefore the post holder must have knowledge of working in an industrial relations environment and experience representing individual and collective issues and have strong advocacy skills. However they will also receive specialist professional development training in investigations and procedural fairness.
They will have a direct impact on organising including making recommendations as to branch and individual organising, assisting branches developing systems and processes, making recommendations on and continually monitoring branches in regional supervision and investigating matters relating to branch and regional governance.
How to apply
Please download the General Application form, by clicking on the link.
Completed application forms must be returned to by email to hr@unison.co.uk by no later than 5pm Monday 9 September quoting ref: EXO/35T.
Please mark your application subject line CONFIDENTIAL STAFFING
UNISON is a dynamic, progressive union, committed to equality. We encourage men and women of all ages, Black and minority ethnic groups, disabled people, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to work with us.
UNISON is the UK’s leading public services trade union, with over 1.3 million members working in the public sector, private, voluntary and community sectors and in the energy services. We employ approximately 1,200 staff, with around 370 at our national centre in Euston in central London and the remainder in our 12 regions across the UK, including Northern Ireland.
UNISON is a dynamic, progressive union, committed to equality. We encourage men and women of all ages, Black and minority ethnic groups, disabled people, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to work with us.