About this job
We are looking to appoint a DOCAS Processing Team Member to process new on-line applications and reconcile our membership records.
The role:
The IMPS unit is based at our Manchester Regional Office and it is a single service resource for the provision of income processing and member services. Its focus is on the delivery of an efficient and successful membership process. A team member would be expected to process subscription files that reconcile our membership system and process new online application forms.
The person:
This role is a key position within the RMS Operations department that oversees the development of the union’s membership system:
You will have skills and experience that include:
- Knowledge and appreciation of membership and subscription-type systems for large organisations.
- Completer-finisher mentality to ensure that open problems are finalised or escalated and time-critical calendar-based tasks are accurately completed.
- Comprehensive knowledge of ICT packages including Microsoft Office suit and particularly the ability to use Excel functions.
How to apply
To apply for this opportunity please download and complete the General application form (under “Documents”). See job description and person specification (under “Documents”)
Please note that only the General application form will be accepted.
Completed application forms must be received by: Claire Deritis by sending to c.deritis@unison.co.uk no later than 5pm, Friday 16th February 2024. Please quote the reference number for the post when applying: ORD/162.
It is proposed to hold interviews on Wednesday 13th March 2024.
UNISON is the UK’s leading public services trade union, with over 1.3 million members working in the public sector, private, voluntary and community sectors and in the energy services. We employ approximately 1,200 staff, with around 370 at our national centre in Euston in central London and the remainder in our 12 regions across the UK, including Northern Ireland.
UNISON is a dynamic, progressive union, committed to equality. We encourage men and women of all ages, Black and minority ethnic groups, disabled people, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to work with us.