Key issues

UNISON represents people employed in all areas of local government. We make sure the needs and rights of workers in this sector and related public services in our service group are recognised and defended. By working together within UNISON, local government workers can achieve more.


Local government pay – the National Joint Council (NJC)

As a worker in local government or a school your pay and other terms and conditions are determined by a negotiating body; the National Joint Council (NJC) .

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Delivering Equal Pay

This web page brings together resources for getting the best out of job evaluation and negotiating equal pay proofed pay and grading structures.

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    Climate change and your pension: divestment guide

    One way that you can make a difference by campaigning through your branch for your LGPS pension fund to pull all investments in fossil fuels, commonly known as divestment.

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    Submission of the Youth and Community Workers JNC Pay Claim for 2021

    UNISON’s national Youth and Community Workers’ Committee ran a branch consultation on the draft Joint National Committee (JNC) pay claim in May.

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    Cuts to local services

    Use our data visualisation to find out how cuts to local government funding have affected your local council and services.

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      We think public services should be run for people, not for profit. Privatisation costs more, damages crucial services and drives down the terms and conditions of those providing them. Find out how UNISON is campaigning against the privatisation of local services and how you can help.

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      Pension power

      Most UNISON members pay into a work pension fund. These funds are invested and the profits help to pay for pensions. By getting involved in deciding how funds are invested, we can help make this money work for members, society and the general economy.

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